Become great before God!

Film about the live of Father Francis Jordan

The production of Salvatorian Studio Katolik has finished. It is a documentary film telling the true story of Father Francis Jordan, the founder of Society of The Divine Savior. Why is this story important to share? Because the life of Father Jordan is a great example of God’s work in the life of an ordinary man. 
Everyone can become great before God.

To complete the project the film crew should travel to southern Germany, to Rome, and to the Middle East, to film on locations where Fr. Jordan lived and traveled. We want to present his life honestly and in the way, that would appeal to many people around the world. This story is worthy to be shared. And the time is right… 100 anniversary of Father Jordan death in 2018
You support is very much welcomed.

You can support the film project by donation via PayPal or direct deposit to the Bank Account. We appreciate your help and cooperation.


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Studio Katolik 
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account PLZ: 79109016650000000115403281 
account EURO: PL42109016650000000115404141 
account USD: PL28109020530000000156571484 


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Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan,  was born as John Baptist on the June 16th, 1848, to a poor family in a small German village of Gurtweil. After his first Holy Communion, he experienced an internal transformation, which ignited in him a desire to become a priest. It seemed unattainable, due to his family’s financial situation. He had to work to make a living, as a construction worker at the railway, in the fields during harvest, and as a painter and upholsterer.

To start the seminary studies, Jordan had to show enormous determination to catch up academically. Throughout his education, Jordan distinguished himself with extreme perseverance and conscientiousness. It led him to completion of theological studies and received priestly ordination. After that Father Jordan went to Rome. He studied linguistic focusing on the languages of the Middle East. At that time, his long-lasting desire to form a new apostolic work was formally expressed.

On December 8th, 1881 Father Jordan founded the Apostolic Teaching Society. Its members were to proclaim Christ throughout the world in spoken and written words, using a variety of ways and means, like the apostles. Two years later Father Jordan took religious vows and adopted the name Francis Mary from the Cross Jordan. The Society was transformed into a religious congregation. In 1893, it changed its name to the Society of the Divine Savior. (Societas Divini Salvatoris - Salvatorians).

It was seven years later, in 1888, again on the December 8th, at Tivoli near Rome, where Father Jordan founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Savior (Salvatorian Sisters). 
Both Congregations, form man and for women, are still active today and work in many countries throughout the world.
A faithful Servant of God, Father Francis Mary of the Cross Jordan died on September 8th, 1918, and was buried in Tafers, Switzerland. His remains were transferred to the chapel of the Salvatorian Motherhouse in Rome, in 1956. The beatification process began in 1942, and in 2011 the Congregation for the Causes of Saints issued a decree on the heroic virtues of Father Jordan. Now the final stage of the beatification process is underway - awaiting the authenticity test of the miracle through the intercession of Father Jordan.